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Our History

23 Mar Posted by in Profile | Comments
Our History

Tan Soon Huah Gas Supply Pte Ltd’s (“TSH”) was established since 1976. Previously known as Tan Seng Huah, it was a small provision shop, supplying cylinders LPG to neighboring residents in the old Punggol estate.

TSH’s first breakthrough came in 1996 when the Tan brothers worked together and aggressively promoted their cylinder LPG business.

The Tan brothers treated every business commitment with care. Their beliefs in conducting their business with integrity and honesty helped their business to grow ten-fold within a decade.

Today, TSH’s customers are spread over the whole of Singapore, including coffee shops, hawker centers, food courts, restaurants, shopping centers, food processing factories and the manufacturing industry.

TSH is constantly exploring new and innovative ways to supply environmentally-friendly fuel products to customers..


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